Hello everyone!
So below I have posted a very short piece taken from Anarchist news dot org, a "non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists" (About Us).
The piece is titled "WE’LL SHOW YOU CRAZY BITCHES: TAKE BACK THE NIGHT" and it details an event that took place last week in Brooklyn, New York. (Take Back the Night was 4/29).
I think it would be very interesting to discuss this piece and possibly have a conversation about radical anarcha-feminist politics and activism. What emotions, if any, does this piece evoke for you? Do you feel that these efforts are effective ways to address violence against women, why or not? Hopefully we will have time to discuss on Wednesday.
See you in class!
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK – Dressed in matching black skirts and masks, dozens of women gathered on Saturday evening for an anti-capitalist Take Back the Night march, stopping traffic on Bedford Avenue, overturning trashcans, and breaking windows. Tired of tamely shouting slogans on campus sidewalks, we took the night back by taking it, refusing the structural mechanisms that create rapists and their victims.
Although in recent years Take Back the Night has been co-opted by liberal feminists, it has its roots in the widespread unrest of Italy in the late seventies. In 1976, a seventeen-year-old was gang-raped in Rome. A year later, when her case went to trial, she was gang-raped again by the same men: and this time, her whole body was slashed with razors in an attempt to keep her silent. Within hours, fifteen thousand women mobilized, uniformly dressed like the sex workers common to the district; “NO MORE MOTHERS, WIVES AND DAUGHTERS: LET’S DESTROY THE FAMILIES!” was the cry heard in the street. They came just short of burning the neighborhood to the ground.
[1 block of cars windows broken = burning neighborhood?]
Forty years later, we marched again, to refuse the violence that continues to force us to be housewives and fuck-toys and mothers and daddy’s girls, to refuse to understand women’s oppression in the private sphere as a simple cultural or ideological matter. We address capitalism and patriarchy as one intrinsically interconnected system. We are not asking for rights: we are demanding something else entirely.
A woman on the street stopped and attempted to begin an argument: “Why are you doing this?” A swift reply: “Because we have grown tired of rape and makeup.” The woman responds: “Just get drunk and get laid – deal with it.” But this is no longer enough for us. We are not asking for a right to the streets, we are taking them; we are not asking for advertisements that do not objectify women, we’re destroying the commercial mechanisms that objectify women; we are not appealing to male power for an end to rape, but threatening: “If you touch me, I will fucking kill you.”
For once, the mechanisms that create and maintain identities of womanhood were refused, and our desires were our own, our bodies were our own, and our violence was our own.
See original post here -> http://anarchistnews.org/?q=node/11127
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