- trees = reminding me of my childhood at my tia Carmen's
- Flowers = smell = sweet
- fresh cold air = relax state of mind
- folded arms = unfolded arms at the end of walk
- the people around me (what they are thinking and what they might be observing)
- the possibility of having absolutely no light and what that would feel like- function, etc.
- the sky- I noticed how blue it was that night
- I tasted flowers
- I thought of Alex and what conocimientos he brought in my life
- soccer = running = truth
- blank piece of mind (their were moments where I thought of nothing)
- sitting down at home drinking hot chocolate
- divorce- and that meant for my parents
- nature, nature, nature, and its ability to sound and look like other objects/subjects in my reality
- Thought about how I am would be ok.- Things happen for a reason and their is time and space for everything.
In sum, this was a good activity. Very rewarding and deep. I don't believe I take much time for my mind to wonder and then reflect. This list doesn't make sense but maybe in the future it will have some use. Thank you.
i like the list. Especially no. 10 and no. 15.